Online Via ZOOM
Service Description
COMING SOON! Healing Meditation Group Classes via ZOOM! No matter where you live, you can enjoy these classes & receive an energy healing in a group setting. The purpose of these healing meditations is to assist with the opening of your heart chakra, in which all healing must work through. When your heart is less open, it may be difficult to receive all that is intended to enrich your life. While each person participating will receive an individual healing benefit, these healing meditations will also work with the attending group energy to help magnify the healing potential for everyone. Classes will begin with an opening meditation to ground and bring everyone's energies together in preparation for the Healing Meditation. Afterwards, there will be time to process the experience and each person will be invited to share their individual experience if one chooses. Anyone is welcome to attend. There are no prerequisites in meditation or any other energy healing work. Come as you are via ZOOM. Choose the dates that work best for you or prepay for the entire 5 class series and receive a pkg discount. Classes will be held once a week for a total of 5 weeks/classes. Dates to be announced. If you wish to be informed of new classes as they are scheduled, or any other offerings, please sign up to join the Blue Essence Community Bulletin. I look forward to offering these classes and meeting you via ZOOM.
Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
Life Happens: To cancel or reschedule your appointment, I appreciate at least 12 hours advance notice. I understand that there are times when this may be impossible to provide. If this is the case, please contact me as soon as possible and I will be happy to reschedule your appointment. Thank you.
Contact Details
421 North Pearl Street suite 201, Ellensburg, WA, USA